François Garon

Adam Chin

Francious Garon Procabulary Testimonial
François Garon
Directeur Consultant Senior BNI Québec

“I completed the Core Language Upgrade this weekend. The content is presented in a simple and clear fashion. It’s professional, totally honed and I can see it’s been diligently researched.

I considered myself to be above average in using core language and doing this course showed me many things I can improve. I’m now moving forward again thanks to this program and I’m seeing amazing improvement already. To top it off, I did many modules with my spouse and it is doing wonders for us! Our communication is getting us to where we want so much faster because we’re using more solid talk and eliminating negations! Great program!”

Directeur Consultant Senior BNI Québec

“I completed the Core Language Upgrade this weekend. The content is presented in a simple and clear fashion. It’s professional, totally honed and I can see it’s been diligently researched.

I considered myself to be above average in using core language and doing this course showed me many things I can improve. I’m now moving forward again thanks to this program and I’m seeing amazing improvement already. To top it off, I did many modules with my spouse and it is doing wonders for us! Our communication is getting us to where we want so much faster because we’re using more solid talk and eliminating negations! Great program!”

About the Author

Adam Chin

Adam Chin began working in the personal development field at the age of twenty-three apprenticing under Sales and Attitude guru Jeffrey Gitomer for over five years. He is a writer, photographer, videographer and co-founder of Procabulary.