Guide your clients to lasting change.

Learn the tools that empower your clients to quickly recognize challenges and unlock their potential.

The Ultimate Coaching Plug-in

Whether your focus is fitness, nutrition, business, or life coaching, practicing The Enlifted Method will help you get your clients to their goals faster with lasting, durable achievement.

Coach with renewed confidence as you help your clients uncover hidden blocks, outdated patterns, and destructive stories that have held them back.

Implement powerful language and personal narrative techniques that fast-track your clients progress. Become an indispensable resource for your clients and help them gain freedom and confidence in their pursuits.

Clients Are Getting
Results with The Enlifted Method



Enlifted Coach

“Both personally and professionally, I've found The Enlifted Method and working on people’s stories to be THE through-line connecting health and happiness.

So many people are unhappy, unclear, unmotivated, and unknowingly are perpetrating that reality for themselves...

The Enlifted Method allows us to clear out space so that we can be creative and design the change we want to see in our lives! Work Your Stories to start defining that reality for yourself.”

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Communication Coach

“In my work with Enlifted, I learned that my language was keeping me cycling through traumas and unknowingly giving away my power, telling myself that the world was out to get me.

By changing my language, I drastically improved my quality of life from the inside-out.

Now, I work with individuals (teens and adults), businesses, and universities on improving their own lives by shifting their language.”

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Mindset Coach

"Through the Enlifted Method I learned that I do not need to be the hero in my coaching, only a guide with a light.

Now my coaching is more effortless and frictionless. I can coach into my 80’s or 90’s with this system, with my previously approach I would have felt burnt out in 5 or 6 years."

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Empowered Abundance Coach
“Enlifted had empowered me to break free from the blocks holding me back in my life and my business.”
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Fitness/Mindset Coach & Public Speaker

“I now have clarity on how I can coach clients from all walks of life and with all kinds of trauma.

I am free from stressing about how much value I can bring to "tough" clients because I have put the reps in with the Enlifted Method.”

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Fitness & Nutrition Coach
“This method is what my coaching has been missing. It is so easy to use, AND so potent and powerful!”
Apply Now

    of enlifted


    Words are the building blocks of mindset. Uncover what's actually holding your client back.

    Apply the Enlifted Method to identify and remove deadly words & phrases that fuel your client’s unconscious Victim Mindset.


    Your clients are stuck in old patterns and talking themselves in circles.

    Get your client's wants and don't wants down on paper. Expertly edit their words to write new goals and outcomes. Construct new beliefs by telling better stories.


    Unlock your client's breath and create a more effective coaching environment.

    Master breathing mechanics to use with your clients. Diffuse tension and open space for change.

    A Proven System for Hundreds of Connected Coaches

    Developed over the last decade by Head Coach Mark England, The Enlifted Method has been utilized in over ten thousand coaching sessions and hundreds of workshops by over 200+ Certified Enlifted Coaches worldwide.

    Applications range from fitness coaching to corporate consulting to trauma counseling.

    Enlifted Coaches form and maintain strong bonds to share experiences, ask questions, and celebrate wins via our Enlifted Mighty Network platform.

    What's The Enlifted Method?

    Clients Are Getting
    Results with The Enlifted Method

    “I feel great getting in front of my clients and my future clients”

    –Sammy Sandoval, Fitness Coach
    Apply Now

    “I have a new found confidence in my coaching.”

    –Daniel de Pao, Steel Mace Coach and TRE Practitioner
    Apply Now

    “I always coached from a holistic point of view, but I hadn’t included language. I now understand how big of a miss that was because it is so effective.”

    –Melissa Curtis, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach
    Apply Now

    “Enlifted Gave me the tools to help my clients on a whole new level. Working with me is now worth more, I am raising my prices.”

    –Jen Gitomer, Sales & Business Coach
    Apply Now

    “Enlifted has provided me with the tools, experience, and confidence to coach every aspect of an athlete’s life and to include parents in the conversation. The concepts taught in the Enlifted Certifications can be applied to any field.”

    –Clint Laukhuf, High School Tennis Coach & Steel Mace Coach
    Apply Now

    “The Enlifted certification created a powerful paradigm shift in my conception of myself as a coach and a human being. It will ultimately teach you how to learn and how to embody your learning. Essential work for everyone looking to lead an empowered and healing existence.”

    –Nate Baumgardner, Integration Coach
    Apply Now

      Enlifted Coaching Requirements

      All Enlifted Certified Coaches are required to demonstrate command of the material during their 10 weeks of Level One training.

      Enlifted Certified Coaches are required participate the same types of one-on-one sessions that they will conduct with their clients.

      Participating and Demonstrating the techniques, Enlifted Certified Coaches have a holistic understanding of how the Method works.


      Learn the
      Enlifted Essentials

      Join Enlifted head coach Mark England and podcast host Kimberly Kesting as they discuss the core components of the Enlifted Method in a series of bite-sized episodes that will change how you think about coaching forever.