Tim Powers

Adam Chin

Tim Powers - Procabulary Testimonial
Tim Powers
Former USMC Seargent, Founder Awakened Veterans

“At your seminars in California I’ve seen the lives of others change in under an hour, as you help them to dismantle the negative stories they were holding onto for so long. Of course I was super excited to hear you were launching a product that would allow others the same empowering tools right from their computer. Since having the privilege of completing this online course I’ve doubled my clientele and gotten way more clarity on my purpose! Thank you brother for sharing your genius! Thank You!”

Former USMC Seargent, Founder Awakened Veterans

“At your seminars in California I’ve seen the lives of others change in under an hour, as you help them to dismantle the negative stories they were holding onto for so long. Of course I was super excited to hear you were launching a product that would allow others the same empowering tools right from their computer. Since having the privilege of completing this online course I’ve doubled my clientele and gotten way more clarity on my purpose! Thank you brother for sharing your genius! Thank You!”

About the Author

Adam Chin

Adam Chin began working in the personal development field at the age of twenty-three apprenticing under Sales and Attitude guru Jeffrey Gitomer for over five years. He is a writer, photographer, videographer and co-founder of Procabulary.